Immune Health
Highest Quality Desiccated Beef Liver, Bone Marrow, Spleen and Thymus:
100% Pure- you know it, absolutely no fillers and no flow agents.
100% Freeze-Dried to optimally preserve heat-sensitive nutrients, co-factors, and biological activity
Amazing Health Benefits: For Immune Health: Helps support the immune system with high levels of alkyglycerols (AKGs), tuftsin, splenopentin, thymosin, thymopoietin, serum thymic, base cells, stem cells, glycosaminoglycan (GAGs) to increase local chemokine concentrations.
Whole Food Supplement: Get the advanced nourishment that only whole foods can provide. Don’t forget all the nutrient synergy and biological activity that makes Female Health so amazing for you.
Ketogenic Friendly, Paleo Friendly, Primal Friendly
Highest Quality Desiccated Beef Liver, Bone Marrow, Spleen and Thymus:
100% Pure- you know it, absolutely no fillers and no flow agents.
100% Freeze-Dried to optimally preserve heat-sensitive nutrients, co-factors, and biological activity
Amazing Health Benefits: For Immune Health: Helps support the immune system with high levels of alkyglycerols (AKGs), tuftsin, splenopentin, thymosin, thymopoietin, serum thymic, base cells, stem cells, glycosaminoglycan (GAGs) to increase local chemokine concentrations.
Whole Food Supplement: Get the advanced nourishment that only whole foods can provide. Don’t forget all the nutrient synergy and biological activity that makes Female Health so amazing for you.
Ketogenic Friendly, Paleo Friendly, Primal Friendly
Highest Quality Desiccated Beef Liver, Bone Marrow, Spleen and Thymus:
100% Pure- you know it, absolutely no fillers and no flow agents.
100% Freeze-Dried to optimally preserve heat-sensitive nutrients, co-factors, and biological activity
Amazing Health Benefits: For Immune Health: Helps support the immune system with high levels of alkyglycerols (AKGs), tuftsin, splenopentin, thymosin, thymopoietin, serum thymic, base cells, stem cells, glycosaminoglycan (GAGs) to increase local chemokine concentrations.
Whole Food Supplement: Get the advanced nourishment that only whole foods can provide. Don’t forget all the nutrient synergy and biological activity that makes Female Health so amazing for you.
Ketogenic Friendly, Paleo Friendly, Primal Friendly